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Support / "How do I claim Patchcoin?"
Last post by arthur - Feb 25, 2025, 03:52 PM

How do I make a Patchcoin claim with my Peercoin?

  • Go to the "Transactions" tab of the Patchcoin client wallet.
  • In the left search box titled "Enter address, transaction id, or label to search", enter your PPC address.
  • In the bottom right field you will see your PPC address, the PPC amount held, and the eligible PTC claim amount. Right-click on your address and select "Claim address". You will see a generated PTC address.
  • Open your Peercoin client wallet. Under "File", select "Sign Message". Select your PPC address. Copy the PTC address from the previous step into the message field. Click "Sign Message" at the bottom.
  • Copy the resulting signature and then return to the Patchcoin client wallet. In case you closed the previous window, right click your PPC address again in the bottom right field, select "Claim address" and then enter the signature.
  • Click "Publish Claim" to submit the claim. You should see your claim enter the queue in the top right field.
  • Note that claims may take several hours or days to arrive if there is a high volume of claims submitted after release. Your Patchcoin should arrive if there is supply remaining to be claimed, if you owned PPC at block height 795,000.
Support / "To claim PTC does the qt wall...
Last post by arthur - Feb 25, 2025, 03:50 PM
From Discord:

Question: "To claim PTC does the qt wallet need to be connected online all the time? Or after claiming can I turn if off?"

Answer: No, once a claim has been sent to the network and has been marked as accepted, you do not have to run your node. Your client will show an X on the claim in case it thinks it has not been accepted, in which case you could simply re-send it.
Support / "I made some claims on the 23r...
Last post by arthur - Feb 25, 2025, 03:49 PM
From Discord:

Question: "I made some claims on the 23rd and havent received any PTC yet. I know it may take a few days but I see others that claimed after me have received the full amount. I hope that I have signed the message properly. Its not something I do regularly. Will I get a notification if it isn't signed properly?"

Answer: The Qt clients UI might not show all the information because your node currently only displays claims it itself has encountered during runtime. For a more complete picture do check out Patchcoin Claims. You should be able to see your slot in the queue on it.
Newcomers - POST HERE FIRST / Re: Hello from peerguy
Last post by arthur - Feb 25, 2025, 03:38 PM
@meowser Verified, thank you.
Newcomers - POST HERE FIRST / Re: Hello from peerguy
Last post by Meowser - Feb 25, 2025, 02:18 PM
Hey, struggling with claiming so I need access.
Newcomers - POST HERE FIRST / Re: Hello from peerguy
Last post by selfwithin - Feb 25, 2025, 03:05 AM
I have created discord page. here is link Discord Invite LINK
Support / Re: How to claim Patchoin Usin...
Last post by selfwithin - Feb 24, 2025, 03:55 PM
Peercoin Mobile Wallet is having issue for Apple User. Hopefully it was solved before 21 Million coins are claimed to be fair to Mobile user on iOS.
Support / Re: How to claim Patchoin Usin...
Last post by noface - Feb 23, 2025, 08:10 PM
Claiming using the mobile wallet is similar to that on the desktop.
The only step that needs replacing is that on mobile you would have to select the burger menu -> Sign Messages and then 1) pick the source address you hold peercoin on, and 2) enter the target patchcoin address that you wish to receive the patchcoin on.
Now, for actually submitting the claim you would need to use a desktop client. Or you could even share it here and ask someone else to submit it for you.
Support / How to claim Patchoin Using Pe...
Last post by selfwithin - Feb 23, 2025, 07:22 PM
Please share step by step instuction to claim Patchcoin vai Peercoin Mobile Wallet.
Price Discussion / Re: 🔒 Secure PPC/PCT Trades wi...
Last post by arthur - Feb 23, 2025, 06:54 PM
Thanks for volunteering to provide this service, we will need it until we get an exchange listing.

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