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General Discussion / Question - "Marketing" from Di...
Last post by arthur - Mar 13, 2025, 02:44 PM
Q: This project will be marketed as store of value ? competitor to bitcoin ?

A: Yes. We want Patchcoin to be a Bitcoin replacement. Same capabilities. Less than 1% of the energy usage of Bitcoin.
General Discussion / Question - "Rewards" from Disc...
Last post by arthur - Mar 13, 2025, 02:41 PM
Q: Hello, can you explain me one thing in patchcoin? I thought that patchcoin is BTC with pos. But what I can see now,  patchcoin is planned to have 21m coins at beginning. Does it mean that reward will be only fee based? I thought that block reward idea is similar to btc and halving + fee. Dont you afraid that low fees will be not enough to keep interest in minting?

A: Yes, the coin supply will remain fixed by matching the transaction fees burned each block to the staking reward.

Bitcoin will eventually end up in the same design years from now.

Because we don't have to subsidize expensive mining operations, transactions can be cheaper than Bitcoin in the long run.

Patchcoin staking is more like a lottery ticket, where the rewards are variable and can be large or small. We think people will enjoy seeing the occasional very large staking reward.

Staking rewards will grow as network usage does, aligning the interests of stakers and Patchcoin users.

And we believe Patchcoin holders understand that their coins will be worth more if they participate in network security and consensus.

Join our Discord to see current conversations, questions, and answers about Patchcoin.
General Discussion / Setting up a full node to supp...
Last post by arthur - Mar 13, 2025, 02:38 PM
Our network will be healthiest when we have PTC holders running full nodes.

This means allowing both incoming and outgoing connections.

Instructions for Bitcoin are here:

Patchcoin uses port 7801 for those instructions. The more people running full nodes, the better.

Note that Patchcoin's blockchain is far, far smaller than Bitcoin.

You can use this tool to check if the settings are correct. Enter your IP address and port 7801

And if that seems overwhelming, don't worry! Running a full node is not mandatory to hold PTC.
General Discussion / New Discord link
Last post by arthur - Mar 12, 2025, 02:08 AM
You can get an invite to our Patchcoin Discord at:

There are some interesting discussions forming there about exchange listings, marketing, and future blockchain design.
Newcomers - POST HERE FIRST / Re: Verification Thread
Last post by noface - Mar 11, 2025, 11:41 PM
Quote from: ivav1313 on Mar 11, 2025, 09:34 PMHi, please verify me.

Done. Welcome to the forum.
Newcomers - POST HERE FIRST / Re: Verification Thread
Last post by ivav1313 - Mar 11, 2025, 09:34 PM
Hi, please verify me.
Newcomers - POST HERE FIRST / Re: Verification Thread
Last post by arthur - Mar 11, 2025, 09:01 PM
Welcome @yato-sketch
Newcomers - POST HERE FIRST / Re: Verification Thread
Last post by yato-sketch - Mar 11, 2025, 04:51 PM
General Discussion / UN Study Reveals the Hidden En...
Last post by arthur - Mar 10, 2025, 11:14 PM

QuoteGlobal Bitcoin mining is highly dependent on fossil fuels, with worrying impacts on water and land in addition to a significant carbon footprint.
QuoteBitcoin is the most renowned and popular cryptocurrency. This motivated the UN scientists to evaluate the environmental impacts of Bitcoin across the world by looking at the activities of 76 Bitcoin mining nations during the 2020–2021 period. The results are shocking. In addition to a substantial carbon footprint, global Bitcoin mining activities have significant water and land footprints.
Quote"Technological innovations are often associated with unintended consequences and Bitcoin is no exception," said Professor Kaveh Madani, the Director of the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), who led this study. "Our findings should not discourage the use of digital currencies. Instead, they should encourage us to invest in regulatory interventions and technological advancements that improve the efficiency of the global financial system without harming the environment."

Patchcoin is a technological advancement to Bitcoin.

We use a small fraction of the energy through proof-of-stake consensus, while maintaining a fixed supply of 21 million coins.
General Discussion / Claims update 10 March
Last post by arthur - Mar 10, 2025, 10:38 PM
Update 10 March:

For this week's update we're pleased to announce that we have reached the 25% mark for distributed PTC, with over 5.3 million PTC now in circulation.

The claims system is working perfectly and we are catching up to the most recently submitted claims.

Our lengthy claims period gives every Peercoin holder a chance to see this announcement and participate if they choose.

Total Claims: 701
Total Peercoin used to claim: 4,262,186 PPC
Total Patchcoin claimed: 8,756,386 PTC
Total Patchcoin received: 5,385,600 PTC

You can follow claims progress at